Desktop Url Shortcut Icognito

How to Create Google Chrome Incognito Mode Shortcut in Windows If you don't. And hold on your desktop, click/tap on New, and click/tap on Shortcut. Substitute URL in the location above with the actual URL address (ex:.

Private Browsing is a mode in all modern web browsers that, when activated, will delete any session data such as browsing history and cookies. If you want to browse the Internet without anything being stored locally on your computer, private browsing mode is the best choice.Note that private browsing mode will not allow you to browse the web anonymously or prevent others websites or middlemen like your ISP from tracking your activity. If you want to do that, make sure to read my post on how to properly.In this article, I’ll show you how to create shortcuts that will allow you to open your favorite web browser in private mode by default. The method for creating and editing the shortcut is pretty much the same for all browsers, so I’ll talk about how to do that first. Creating a ShortcutIf you already have a shortcut for your web browser on your desktop, then simply right-click on it and choose Send to – Desktop (create shortcut). You can also just open the Start Menu and drag and drop the program onto the desktop to create a shortcut.If you don’t have a shortcut for your browser, you can create one by navigating to the folder that contains the EXE file.

You’ll find all of these in C:Program Files or C:Program Files (x86) under the appropriate program name. Right-click and choose the same options as mentioned above. To edit a shortcut, right-click the shortcut on the desktop and select Properties from the pop-up menu.This will bring up the Properties dialog box with the Shortcut tab active. For each browser, we need to edit the command that is listed in the Target box by adding a parameter. See the following sections for the text to add to the end of the command for each browser.Google ChromeGoogle Chrome calls their private browsing mode Incognito mode. You can read my previous post to learn how to.To start Chrome in Incognito mode by default when using the shortcut, edit the shortcut as mentioned above, and add the command line switch — incognito at the end of the line in the Target edit box.NOTE: It’s a double dash/hyphen before incognito and a space before the dashes. 'C:Program Files (x86)GoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe' -incognitoChrome displays a detective-like icon in the upper-left corner of the window to indicate you are running in Incognito mode.Mozilla FirefoxTo learn how to turn on private browsing mode temporarily and permanently from within Firefox, see our previous post,.To start Firefox in private browsing mode by default when using the shortcut, edit the shortcut as mentioned above, and add the command line switch – private at the end of the line in the Target edit box.NOTE: It’s a single hyphen before private and a space before the hyphen. 'C:Program Files (x86)Mozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe' -privateWhen you open Firefox, it will display a purple bar across the top indicating that you are now privately browsing.Internet Explorer/Microsoft EdgeInternet Explorer calls their private browsing mode InPrivate Browsing and it’s been a feature of IE since IE 8.

Check out my previous post on how to enable.To start Internet Explorer in InPrivate browsing mode by default when using the shortcut, edit the shortcut as mentioned above, and add the same command line switch as for Firefox, – private, at the end of the line in the Target edit box.NOTE: It’s a single hyphen before private and a space before the hyphen. 'C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe' -privateYou can also easily start Internet Explorer in InPrivate browsing mode using the default icon on the taskbar. Right-click the Internet Explorer button on the taskbar and select Start InPrivate Browsing from the pop-up menu.Once you start Internet Explorer in InPrivate browsing mode, the program indicates you are in InPrivate mode in several ways: an InPrivate indicator is shown in the address bar, the title of the new tab is InPrivate and you get a message indicating it is turned on.Note that if you can’t find the shortcut link to IE, you can click on Start and type in internet explorer. Then right-click and choose Open File Location.Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to work with Microsoft Edge just yet.

I was able to find the application file for Edge here: C:WindowsSystemAppsMicrosoft.MicrosoftEdge8wekyb3d8bbweHowever, when you try to create a desktop shortcut, it simply doesn’t open Edge. The only way to open Edge right now is from the Start Menu or Taskbar. Maybe this will change in the future. OperaTo learn how to turn on Opera’s private browsing mode from within the program, see our previous post,.Unlike other browsers, Opera’s command line switch doesn’t actually work anymore. In older versions of Opera, you could create a new private tab or a new private window in which all tabs were private. The most recent version of Opera just supports a new private window like all other browsers.However, the command line switch for Opera is -newprivatetab, which doesn’t work anymore. The command line switch to start a full private browsing Opera window, if it exists, is not listed in Opera’s documentation on their site that we could find.This means that when you use the shortcut, it simply opens a new non-private tab. It only opens a new private tab if you already have a private window open!

So this command line switch is pretty useless at this point if you are using Opera. You can tell when Opera is in private mode if you see the lock icon at the front-left of the tab.NOTE: It’s a single hyphen before newprivatetab and a space before the hyphen. 'C:Program Files (x86)Operalauncher.exe' -newprivatetabWe covered the most popular browsers in this article for creating a shortcut to private browsing. If you have any questions, feel free to comment.

AdvertisementIncognito Browsing Mode in Google Chrome is a private mode of browsing in which no history or cookies are stored during browsing session. Once you close the incognito mode, all the history and browsing data is automatically cleared and there’s no record or any trace of your browsing session left behind.This comes very handy specially when you want to access a website which blocks your IP to access. Incognito mode virtually creates a new IP in background and you can easily get the access to the site. Incognito mode is very popular among those who use multiple email addresses of same email provider simultaneously. Like if you have two gmail accounts and you are logging into both in normal browsing mode you won’t be able to do so.

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But with incognito mode you can login your one ID in incognito mode and the other one in normal browsing mode at the same time.But the problem is that every time to open incognito mode you’ve to open Google Chrome in normal mode and then choose incognito mode from the menu or Press Ctrl+Shift+N. Which offcourse takes a little time.What about if we create a separate shortcut of Google Chrome Incognito Mode right on your desktop to quickly access the private mode?Well, here is the little trick to create Incognito mode desktop shortcut.1. Create a copy Google Chrome’s desktop shortcut on your desktop. (if there’s no shortcut at all, then go to the folder where it is installed and right click it to create desktop shortcut)2. Once you’ve created the shortcut, rename it and add “Incognito” or “Private” or anything like that in the name so that you can identify between the two modes.3. Right click the Incognito shortcut and choose “properties”.4. In the “Target” field after “ chrome.exe” add a space and type this:-incognito(remember there’s a space in between)5.

Save the shortcut.Enjoy the quick Google Chrome Incognito Mode desktop shortcut 😉. Photoshop cc 2014 full version with crack.