Total War Warhammer Settlement Map

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Minor Settlement
No.BuildingCreate TimeCreate CostEffectsGarrison UnitsRecruitable Units
1Minor Settlement Level 1
Ruined Village
This city lies in ruins. Nothing remains but destruction, ashes and the sorrowful taste of defeat.
2Minor Settlement Level 2
The Empire is riddled with homesteads, farms and tiny groups of sullen houses filled with sullen folk.
2800 Grants 1 construction slot in the settlement (this_building)
Income generated: 40 (building_to_building_own)
Growth: +10 (region_to_province_own)
  • Spearmen x 3
  • Swordsmen x 2
3Minor Settlement Level 3
Villages dot the Empire, usually comprising a marktplaz, a tavern, and a stockade – if their denizens are lucky.
31600 Grants 2 construction slots in the settlement (this_building)
Income generated: 60 (building_to_building_own)
Growth: +20 (region_to_province_own)
{{tr:public_order}}: +1 (province_to_province_own)
  • Crossbowmen x 2
  • Spearmen (Shields) x 2
  • Swordsmen x 2
4Minor Settlement Level 4
The towns of the Empire are walled islands of civilisation amidst the unrelenting and hostile wilderness.
43200 Grants 3 construction slots in the settlement (this_building)
Income generated: 80 (building_to_building_own)
Growth: +30 (region_to_province_own)
{{tr:public_order}}: +2 (province_to_province_own)
  • Crossbowmen x 2
  • Halberdiers x 2
  • Swordsmen x 2

Rules apply to posts and comments.Rule 1:Submissions should be related to Total War: Warhammer or Warhammer fantasy lore (inc. Age of Sigmar). Images and Videos are permitted. Self-created content can be posted on Saturdays.

Please avoid spamming the page with personal videos.Rule 2:Do not discuss cheats, exploits, or piracy (including torrents).Rule 3:No racist, sexist or homophobic language.Rule 4:No memes.Rule 5:Be civil and remember the human.Rule 6:No referral links, if you're looking to find TW: Warhammer for the cheapest price, check the link below.Please Note: If you report a submission please fill out the 'reason for report' form so that mods can understand the situation.Rule 7: All posts with videos from the official Total War YouTube channel, must include Official in front of the title of the video. Example “Official Total War: WARHAMMER 2 – Dark Elves In-Engine Trailer”Rule 7.1: All posts with videos from the official Total War YouTube channel must use the same title as the title of the video.Our Discord:All thingsLooking to buy TW: Warhammer?Not sure if you can run the game? I've been playing TW Warhammer 2 and I noticed something that is really getting on my nerves.I'm playing as Chaos (this affects all races though) and every time I raze a settlement, my army moves away from the razed settlement in a random direction. Usually away from where I want to go.Quick example:I was moving from Baersonling's Camp and razed Volksgard on my way to Praag, but once Volksgard was destroyed my army moved away from it back towards Baersonling's Camp!

That meant that it took me an extra turn to get to Praag.Is there a way to decide where my army goes after razing a place? Don't mind if it's only doable with a mod. I just want to be the one why controls my army instead of a random auto move.

Your army just steps back from the settlement in the direction which it attacked the settlement from.A workaround is to move your army around the settlement before attacking it. Like positioning yourself between Volksgard and Praag before attacking Volksgard. That should leave you a lot closer to Praag after razing Volksgard.Same thing can be done to control where the enemy reinforcements appear on the battlefield too. Attacking the stack furthest back will make the closer stacks enter the battlefield on your side of the deployment zone. Which can be incredibly useful if you have to rout them off or some heavy duty wind spells for massive damage against a larger stack. It makes sense that an army that has completely marched to exhaustion and is unable to move afterwards would magically march in an unfavorable direction leading to its death when it could have just as easily not marched or marched in a favorable direction? I notice this trend with certain games.


Apr 10, 2020  Pigbarter is a large, lucrative trading settlement located at the mouth of the River Ruin, known in those lands as the Scalded Delta and a prime destination spot for those following the Ivory Road.Pigbarter is named as such because of a popular sport which captivates the citizens of the trading town. Pig-jousting as it is called is the most popular event, where merchants and gamblers gather.

That some fans will defend every broken or poorly executed game mechanic and try to convince critics that it’s not broken or poorly thought out, but somehow genius or good. This is a bad mechanic and doesn’t make sense.