Victoria 2 Assimilation Rate Event

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Event to add assimilation rate? I'm trying to find/create an event that increases assimilation rate just for your country. Editing the common files does it for everyone, and the 400%+rate from event 19300(statue of liberty) isn't enough for me. I find that Victoria 2 is sometimes in need of cheats, more often than not it can add. CWE brings Victoria 2 into the Cold War era and beyond. This is the ultimate Cold War mod with a slew of special features such as ideological blocs, dynamic international institutions and decolonisation chains to accurately simulate the Cold War and Post-Cold War world.

Sat Nov 11, 2017 8:17 amHow to modify money value?Minimum Money not to your liking? You can edit the auto assembly script to change the 'minimum' value, if it's too high or too low for you.Or you just make a pointer with its help. Or you use the console command 'money' for pinpoint accuracy and without even alt+tabbing out of the game.

Or you create a decision or an event ingame that you can call forth at will or by using a defined set of arguments to gain or lose any amount of cash you desire. Sat Nov 11, 2017 8:17 amHow to modify money value?Minimum Money not to your liking? You can edit the auto assembly script to change the 'minimum' value, if it's too high or too low for you.Or you just make a pointer with its help. Or you use the console command 'money' for pinpoint accuracy and without even alt+tabbing out of the game. Or you create a decision or an event ingame that you can call forth at will or by using a defined set of arguments to gain or lose any amount of cash you desire.But there is no specific value just 0/1 to activate the script. Sorry I'm quite noob in coding.

I know how to create event for this game but I want to freeze money. Oblivion imperial legion armor. And sorry for my english ( not my native language ). Sun Nov 26, 2017 9:27 pmmov eax,79180000cmp eax,ecx+00000e78jle MonM0How to modify this?Hi there,You can use the windows calc to find the constant multiplier (programmer):- Copy the value 79180000 and after clicking on HEX at the calc paste it; (note the at DEC we have ‭‬)- Now click on DEC and devide the value by 62000 (the minimum value). The result in DEC = ‭32768‬ and in HEX = 8000. This is 32Kb in computer/communication language.- Now multiply this constant by the value you want, for instance, 100000 and it will result in DEC ‭‬ = HEX ‭C3500000‬.- Now replace the value at the script by this new one (79180000 = C3500000‬)note For values over 131000, you would have change the script a little bit more.Cheers!

QUOTE='Recifense, post: 26376, member: 68'Hi there,You can use the windows calc to find the constant multiplier (programmer):- Copy the value 79180000 and after clicking on HEX at the calc paste it; (note the at DEC we have??)- Now click on DEC and devide the value by 62000 (the minimum value). The result in DEC =?32768? And in HEX = 8000. This is 32Kb in computer/communication language.- Now multiply this constant by the value you want, for instance, 100000 and it will result in DEC?? = HEX?C3500000?- Now replace the value at the script by this new one (79180000 = C3500000?)note For values over 131000, you would have change the script a little bit more.Cheers!/QUOTEI've tried this but the game doesn't respond to it at all. Can someone please be an angel and upload a version where the minimum money is a lot higher?