Empire Total War Has Stopped Working On Startup

I have about a year ago the game Empire: Total War bought. It worked perfectly the first few days and then it would no longer run. Now I've been waiting a while the possibly comes a new patch out. Now I have recently re-installed it and it still does not work. I've tried all the things that were in various forums, updated drivers, and so on. I've also tried to run in compatibility mode.Jul 16, 2009 I have a windows vista and empire total war cant run. I downloaded the game and the went fine but when i click the play button a white screen comes up but nothing happens then the video games arrow head will come up and i wait like 5 seconds and then it says empire total war has stopped working window is checking for a solution etc.

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The processor is Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo Cpu E4500 @. Windows tells me that Empire total war has stopped working for an unknown reason and a solution can not be found. My files don't have the '.exe' or the '.2' at the end, is this a problem? This is the first mod I've ever used so please forgive me if the answer is obvious but I've travelled far across Google in search of the answer to my quest.On my old PC with Windows XP's running just stop with limited graphics.

But on my new PC with Windows 7 running on it no more. I hope you can help me! This sounds like a corruption of your user preferences scripts. This is usually the result of downloading a mod that updates the script files, and then deleting the mod but not restoring the script files to their vanilla state.However, if you have reinstalled the game from scratch and it still won't run this still sounds like the most likely cause even if you haven't tried playng a mod recently as these files don't get replaced by uninstalling or reinstalling the game.On Windows 7 they can be found in a folder called C:UsersYour User NameAppDataRoamingThe Creative AssemblyEmpirescriptsJust go to the folder and delete the script files it contains. You will lose all your preferences and the game will go back to its vanilla state, but the files will be recreated next time you load the game and it should resolve any corruption left over from a previous mod or some unfortunate editiing.It's worth a try anyway. Hi Molle,Sorry I didn't explain myself very well in my first post, so I'll try again.I note that you have uninstalled and reinstalled the game and steam several times. Therefore, by implication there can really be nothing wrong with either, as the reinstall would have set everything back to it's vanilla state.So, having ruled out the game softwarte and the steam software as the source of the problem, logic suggests that the problem must lay somewhere else on your PC.In my experience when this happens it usually indicates that there is a problem in the user script files which have been created for that game or games.

These sit outside the Steam system in your document folder and are not affected by reinstalling the game, or even reinstalling steam. So, regardless of how often you reinstal the game, or steam, any problem that originates from something in the script files will still exist and affect the new installation just like it did the old one.So, before you do anything else I would find these script files and delete them.

They will automatically be replaced the next time you run the game, but the new version will be create in their default vanilla state.The files you are looking for are called:preferences.empirescriptprofile.last used modsuser.empirescriptAnd they are the most common cause of games failing to load.Now thats interesting because I can't navigate to them either. It might be something about Windows 7, but its really worrying that this folder doesn't appear in the folder/library list and I don't know why.The only way I'm able to access it is by searching for it.Basically if you search for 'The Creative Assembly' on your C: drive you should find a folder containing all the script files for the Totalwar games you own. Mine has both an Empire Totalwar and a Napoleon Totalwar sub-folder in it. I don't own Shogun.Why Microsoft have hidden this folder in Wondows 7 is beyond me. It seems everytime Microsoft try and be helpful, they only succeed in screwing mopre things up for their customers.We have just had Office upgraded at work and now nobody can find half the options they need to use to format their documents, because Microsoft have decided it's helpful to hide them for their customers.But the folder is there you just can't see it using windows.

Cd key need for speed carbon collectors edition. Go figure^^As for your comment about why your copy of Empire Totalwar suddenly stopped working. I really don't know.

Usually it happens when someone has downloaded a Mod, which has updated the script file held in this folder, and then tries to go back to the vanilla game.What happens is that the script file is still trying to find the mod files during the load process and so the game keeps crashing during the load sequence when they can't be found.You reckon you haven't downloaded any mods which is fair enough, but the symptoms still suggest that the problem could lay in the script files somewhere. If you have completely reinstalled the game, and even steam, then that is the only thing i can think of that might be screwing things up. Once you manage to persuade windows to give you access to the folder it's a relatively trivial task just to delete the script files, so even if it doesn't cure the problem it's not a lot of effort to check.

If it isn't that, then I can;t think of anything else it might be, but from past experience on the forums 9 times out of 10 it's the script files causing the problem. I did´nt find it. I´ve searched it with the searchfunction and manually.it is´nt there.I don´t understand that. Steam has answered me on this problem. I´ve tried the way they´ve send to me and??????no working. Hey Molle, I had this same trouble and actually what Didz wrote is spot on since I removed Darth Mod my game would crash to windows saying there is a problem blah blah.Apart from pulling my hair out that was rapidly turning grey over this issue following his advice saved me!If you use Windows 7, Click on your folder icon bottom left of screen near your Windows logo. On the left you will see Computer.

Click there and you will see HDD and your DVD Drive. Then click on your C: drive (by default) or you may have more than 1 HDD so locate the HDD that has Steam installed like on my computer it is default to C.You will then see folders and other scripts, but you want to open the folder called 'Users'. Click on your name providing you that you are the admin or request the owner of the computer too click in the folder.Now like on the internet if you look at the top search bar of this foler you should see ComputerLocal Disk (C:)UsersYour User Name.Now if you click in that search box it will turn to C:UsersYour User Name and it will allow you to add text.Type this in AppDataRoaming. Hit enter.Now folders should show and you will see The Creative Assembly folder.

Open this folder up, select Empire and then open the folder called Scripts.Select this and the folder opens up, if you see anything there delete all and reinstall your game.Mine works a treat since inatalling the game again. There is no way it should be able to store itself on your game disk, assuming that it is an official CD and wasn't created as a backup copy of the game files.You mention deleting the preferences.empirescript file, but the most important file to delete is the user.empirescript file as thats the one that usually gets corrupted.I also have a third called profile.last used mods but I think that is because I use ModManager on my PC.It might also be worth doing a wider search for other copies of these files that may have got tucked away in other folders.

Empire Total War Has Stopped Working On Startup Windows 7 Empire Total War Has Stopped Working On Startup Windows 10Particularly if you have been installing from disk, as you may not have been consistent in the naming of the installation folders.It might be worth checking that you don't have more than one folder called The Creative Assembly on your PC, if so you may have a second set of script files that need deleting. Good point Lt, Like you I thought baggy hadn't installed any mods.If he has and you hasn't got rid of all the.pack files etc. That it loaded into the data folder then he will have problems, as the instal doesn't clear them out before loading the replacement vanilla ones alongside them.Baggy: The preference file will be created (if it doesn't exist already) every time you start the game.

So, deleting it results in a brand new vanilla one being created next time you load ETW. All it does is store your preferred GFX and Control settings. So, thats normal.What I suggest is that you uninstal the game again, but this time tell us what you have left in: C:Usersuser nameAppDataRoamingThe Creative Assembly folder and the C:Program FilessteamsteamappscommonEmpire Totalwar folder. It might give us a clue whats being left hanging about to screw up the hew instal.I've never played the ACW Mod, but looking at the video it must make a lot of changes to the vanilla games files.