My New Favourite Email Client For Mac

Without an easy and effective way for you to communicate with your leads, you’re going to have a very hard time growing your business. This is why, as a, it’s only natural that we examine the 7 best desktop email clients for Mac. The desktop email clients for Mac that we look at in this article make tasks such as organizing email, searching through archives, and staying in touch with friends or professional connections simpler. When you start using an client that fits your needs best, your daily life becomes much more streamlined and manageable.Nurturing Leads With the Right Desktop Mail ClientEmail is arguable one of the most important aspects of a great lead generation engine because it allows you to have personal interactions with potential clients instantaneously, while managing existing relationships efficiently. When you are able to form and manage meaningful relationships with potential (and current) customers your business is going to grow.Picking the Right Desktop Mac ClientTo help you optimize your even more (or even just manage your personal email), we’ve organized the 7 best desktop email clients for Mac. We’ve taken screenshots, written descriptions on features, shared pricing information, and done everything possible to make your desktop email client choice insanely easy.Our goal with this article is to make your picking of a desktop email client effortless. We’re pretty confident that we’ve done just that.cpmodal id=”cpid9d692″ Free E-Book: Click here to download LeadBoxer’s free E-Book, “7 Things to Consider in an Email Tracking App”/cpmodalMeet the 7 Best Desktop Email Clients for MacThese are our favorite desktop email clients for Mac, in no particular order.

Inky Inky talks about itself as being an alternative to Outlook. It works with, and iCloud email accounts if you opt for a free account. If you want to use your business IMAP email account, you’ll have to pay $5 per month (per account). For a clean looking and reliable desktop email client, that’s not too hefty of a price and well worth it.

We like Inky because its powerful search functionality will save you time, its custom inboxes will keep your organized, and it’s dead simple to use.An added bonus of Inky is that if you have multiple devices, you may also like Inky because it works with Windows and iOS, not just OS X. Mail Pilot Mail Pilot is an email client that was designed with an intense focus on productivity. It has a minimalist interface that makes it easy for you to read and organize your email. Mail Pilot is a combination of a to do list and email client, which makes it a potentially perfect tool for managing and nurturing your.Mail Pilot works seamlessly on more than just your Mac desktop– it’s also compatible with iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. Pricing for Mail Pilot is $19.99 for the email desktop client and $9.99 for mobile versions. Unibox Unibox is a radically different take on email. Instead of grouping by message, your emails are grouped by person.

There are dozens of great email apps in the Mac App Store. You can set up new mail with a pre-made template, send calendar invites, get.

This makes Unibox a potentially great pick for lead nurturing because it means that every person only appears once in the main inbox list, making it easier to keep track of new messages and old conversations.When you press on a person who has just sent you an email in the program, you’re going to see all of the emails that you’ve ever exchanged with them. Previous conversations will be visible to you so you’ll never forget the context of a message when writing back.In addition to Unibox being available on Mac, it’s also available for iPhone and iPad. The Mac desktop version costs $15.99 and the iOS version is free (with a pro version available for $4.99). Thunderbird Thunderbird is made by Mozilla, the creators of the Firefox browser. If you like email clients like Outlook or the standard Mac Mail app, you’ll probably enjoy Thunderbird. The biggest advantage that Thunderbird has over its competitors is how much more customizable it is than them. You can pick themes and find tools or add-ons that make your email life more enjoyable.Thunderbird is free to download and also available for Windows and Linux, in addition to OS X.

Polymail Polymail is a new mail client that is currently in beta. It’s ultra sleek and looks somewhat like Slack, style-wise. With Polymail you’ll be able to easily manage all of your email accounts. It works with Gmail, iCloud, Outlook, Yahoo Mail, or any other IMAP account.Polymail is currently in private beta.

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If you get early access to Polymail, it’ll be free to use. Pricing for when Polymail becomes publically available isn’t currently posted anywhere. N1 Nylas N1 is a new email client built on Chromium’s code. It is meant to be a simple and powerful way to manage your email.

It lets you schedule and translate messages, with dozens of other plugins available for you to use.N1 works with hundreds of email providers, such as Gmail, iCloud, Microsoft Exchange, Yahoo, and others. It works perfectly with Mac, Windows, and Linux. N1 dubs itself as the email client for everybody, and with its compatibility and customizability, anybody should be able to make N1 fit his or her needs. Airmail Airmail is a fantastically simple email client for Mac OS X and iPhone.

It’s great a looking app and makes managing email feel easy (and even kind of fun!). Airmail supports Gmail, Google Apps, iCloud, Exchange, IMAP, POP3, and local accounts. It also allows you to add unlimited email accounts to a unified inbox, powerfully search through archived messages, and much more.Airmail is $9.99 for OS X and $4.99 for iOS.

Now What?We’ve shared the 7 best desktop email clients for Mac with you, so now it’s time to decide on which one you like most. Each mail client that we’ve shared makes reading email on your computer more enjoyable, but they all have their own quirks and nuances. Take some time to learn even about that email client that looks best for you and decide if it will help you achieve your goals, whether it be talking to friends, family, or nurturing a.

Suggested next read:.Bonus: Newsletter & Email TrackingEven with the best email client, you’re not going to have any luck nurturing leads if you don’t have any leads. Identifies website leads & customers by email.Collect valuable leads that will grow your business.

Take a moment to. We know you’ll love using it.

By Marty Edwards
Sunday, January 17, 2016, 04:09 pm PT (07:09 pm ET)

Mac owners who use Gmail know Apple's Mail app for OS X is less than perfect when it comes to pushing emails from Google's service. AppleInsider weeded through a forest of third party apps to find the fastest, cleanest and most reliable push Gmail clients for your desktop.

Google's Gmail is one of the most popular email products around, and with generous storage allotments, reliable service and easy web or client integration, it's not difficult to see why. There is one negative, however, in that push email support for iOS and Mac is lacking. If you depend on Gmail and need instant access to your messages, you'll want to look beyond Apple's first-party offerings.
In evaluating the following Mac applications, each was loaded one-by-one and tested by sending emails from a second Gmail account running in a Web browser on another computer.


MailPlane offers the best OS X experience of any third party mail application. It's easy to configure, handles multiple accounts and was by far the quickest to push Gmail to the Mac. Testing from one account to another, MailPlane never once failed on a push operation.

The interface is nearly identical to the Gmail Web interface, with the addition of some larger icons at the top for quick email composition, message management, access your contacts and more. Just above an integrated Google search bar are tabs for adding multiple Gmail accounts, as well as Gmail Calendar and Contacts.
If you don't like Gmail's Web interface, you probably won't like MailPlane as it's basically an OS X-coded wrapper. However, that same interface makes MailPlane a familiar work environment, while feature additions make it much more functional and easy to use compared to the regular Web client.
For example, I really liked the menu bar icon —a black M in the Mac menu bar that turns red when you have new mail. You can click on this M to get new mail, compose mail, or set do not disturb. When you select do not disturb, the M turns upside to look like a W.
MailPlane, according to the website has been around for 8.8 years and has had 156 updates. The app is available for a single user for $24.95 but can be installed on any Mac you personally use. There is a family license for up to five people in the same household for $39.95. MailPlane is not available on the Mac App Store but can be downloaded from the developer's website. There is a 15-day trial if you want to check it out first.


CouldMagic has fielded apps for iOS and Android for some time, and this month the company launched a version for OS X. CouldMagic is much more than a simple email app. It combines all your emails accounts into one app and synchronizes them across all devices on which you have the app installed whether iOS, Android or OS X.

Setup with Gmail was quick and easy. After Gmail asked for the standard permissions, all my folders and gmail synced up automatically. You can also add Exchange, Yahoo, Outlook, iCloud and other IMAP email accounts. Google Apps are also supported.
One feature I really enjoyed with the CloudMagic iPhone app is that you can select the options to show when you swipe from the lock screen. With Gmail's native app, I'm limited to read or archive (I prefer delete or archive, as many emails don't need to be saved). The iPhone app also lets you assign different tone alerts to each account helping you know which account received an email before you even look. You can set many preferences for each account such as signature and color, all of which syncs across devices.
Postbox macOn the Mac —and iPhone —pushing of Gmails was practically instant most of the time. Any delays we experienced were a few seconds at most.
You do not need to set up a CloudMagic account, but if you do, you obtain additional benefits. You can log into multiple devices and all your email account credentials will sync. Your preferences like signatures and account colors also sync and CloudMagic gives you the ability to remotely wipe data if you lose your phone or tablet.
CloudMagic is a very powerful tool in simplifying email and making it 'one' across all devices, whether it be Mac, iPhone or even Android hardware. If you primarily use just one email account such as Gmail, CloudMagic might be more than you need, but the extras —syncing signatures, look-up, remote data wiping —make the program well worth the price. I set up an Outlook account on my iPhone and in moments it was synchronized to my Mac desktop via 'cloud magic.' If you have many email accounts with many devices, CloudMagic is certainly worth a look.

CloudMagic is not completely without issue, however. Because I run OS X in a slightly reduced resolution to better accommodate my eyes, the right side of the app always fell off the screen. Resizing the window was a no go, and enlarging it simply amplified the problem. I also use Windows machines quite often and CloudMagic is not yet available on Microsoft's platform.
Some might be concerned having another cloud service accessing their email. If that is a concern, you can use the app(s) without creating a CloudMagic account. The company says this makes notifications less reliable and you are not able to sync preferences.
CloudMagic is available on the Mac App Store for $19.99.


Unibox is the cleanest looking of all the applications tested and certainly looked the most 'Apple-like' in appearance, but not so in function. Setup of a 2-step verification Gmail account was very quick and easy, but an interface so clean and minimalist did add somewhat to the learning curve. Unibox approaches viewing your email quite differently.

Even though the general look of Unibox was familiar, the way the application deals with email is quite different. On the left pane you have a list of contacts in the order you last communicated with them. The latest contact is always at the top and when you click on that contact, all their messages are on the right. It is a very interesting and fresh approach to viewing email, but after literally decades of viewing emails the 'traditional' way I found the Unibox approach somewhat cumbersome at first.
After a few hours, however, it became second nature to look for email by person and not by timeline. But, if you are switching from computer to computer or a device with a traditional email layout, coming back to Unibox will possibly be more confusing than helpful.
A nice feature was that Unibox placed the logo of each company (when available) or Google portrait in the left column, which made finding email threads visually easy and fast.

Unibox provides a view that shows all attachments exchanged with a particular contact. That was extremely useful for looking for an attachment from a client.
Replies were simple without the formatting options of the other applications. The pushing of new gmail was quick but not nearly and instant as some of the other applications, but should be fast enough for day to day usage.
Unibox is available on the Mac App store for $9.99, but you can download a 15-day trial from the the Unibox website.


Postbox looks very much like the native OS X mail client. If you are used to Apple Mail on OS X, then Postbox will feel very familiar. Postbox offers many options such as vertical or horizontal layout with or without inline images.

Postbox offers cloud file sharing where you can simply drop a file from Dropbox, OneDrive, or other cloud services into the body of a message and a link to that file is created automatically.
You can streamline your replies by creating a set of pre-written responses such as for customer service or sales. The responses can include text, HTML, images, etc., which make it perfect to quickly respond with inquires for more information on products. When you reply you can choose from a drop menu and select the pre-written response you want or compose a new one at that time. This option, along with easy inclusion of cloud based files, make Postbox a very strong email client for businesses.

One interesting option is that at the top bar there is a pushpin which is used to set reminders that stay at the top of your list of emails. One thing missing from Postbox is a menu bar notification icon but the taskbar icon does have a red badge indicating the number of unread mails in your inbox.
The options in Postbox are numerous and there is somewhat of a learning curve, but it can handle emails well, push is basically instant and it's perfect for businesses with pre-written brochures to send to inquiring customers.
Postbox was one of the quickest to push new Gmail, being bested only by MailPlane. Postbox is not available on the App Store but can purchased directly from the publisher for $15. There is a 30-day trial with a 60-day money back guarantee.