Sims 4 Mc Command Center How To Use


I recently downloaded MC Command Center and I love it so far. Having townies marry and have families has stopped gameplay for getting stale. I love that my Sims' friends and enemies don't all just grow old and gray if I don't actively play them. However, I'm wondering what else you guys use this mod for!

  • edited April 2017
    I use MCCC as well for the story progression and love it, as for your problem you can choose, traits for random sim marriages and pregnancy. In the pregnancy module, MCCC>MC Pregnancy >Other Marriage>Use traits for marriage.
    'If you could read my mind, I'm pretty sure you'd be traumatized for life'
    Join us on Discord for help with MC Command Center @ Discord
    The latest version of MCCC 3.9.6 go to
  • I did that, and then the above happened. As far as I know, the only traits it considers are family oriented and romantic, and those traits get partnered up first?
  • I like the mod too but it lifts the sim population too much. There are tons of kids of the landgraab and munch and from other premades running around in my game.
    But overall its a Very good mod.
  • MC command help me repopulate the neighborhood fairly but yes it is too random. Mine tend to use the same guy over and over again (Marcus Flex has 3 kids from different mom) even though there are many other eligible guys. Sometime I need to micro manage the pregnancy to prevent everybody end up related
  • Thanks for your input, everyone! Glad I am not alone in that thought, @Zorelora.
  • @applehart I almost post about this, exactly the same topic!
  • Today I had Marcus Flex who is non-committal marry Mila Munch. I mean, no. That's never gonna happen. That man is living with a bunch of party animal 20 year olds, and he decides to marry Mila, a responsible, foodie, single mom of 3 boys, all of them still living at home? I mean, can you imagine Gunther (is that his name? the oldest one? Garth?) interacting with Paolo and Eva and Jade on moving day? haha, wow, what hilarity. On second thought, maybe this randomness generates some unexpected storytelling..

    Haha, MCCC had Marcus marry Mila in my game too I was a bit like what the plum?! I have marriage set to use traits too.
  • Marcus and Mila got married too back when I was using MCCC! That's not so random anymore then. But I did remove the mod, even though it is without a doubt awesome, as it was too invasive for my playstyle.
    If I just posted an outfit you like, I have good news - there is more where that came from!
    we all try ..
  • Marcus and Mila got married too back when I was using MCCC! That's not so random anymore then. But I did remove the mod, even though it is without a doubt awesome, as it was too invasive for my playstyle.
    Today I had Marcus Flex who is non-committal marry Mila Munch. I mean, no. That's never gonna happen. That man is living with a bunch of party animal 20 year olds, and he decides to marry Mila, a responsible, foodie, single mom of 3 boys, all of them still living at home? I mean, can you imagine Gunther (is that his name? the oldest one? Garth?) interacting with Paolo and Eva and Jade on moving day? haha, wow, what hilarity. On second thought, maybe this randomness generates some unexpected storytelling..

    Haha, MCCC had Marcus marry Mila in my game too I was a bit like what the plum?! I have marriage set to use traits too.

    OMG.. are they soul mates?
  • Settings, guys. As MCCC comes 'right off the shelf' I'd say 90% of it is set to mimic EA behavior, as in, do nothing unexpected to your game.
    If too much is going on to suit you, one way to get a clean slate would be to take out YOUR mc_settings.cfg file and let the mod generate a fresh new default one the next time you load your game.
    I'd save the one you had for reference, but if reducing MC's influence game wide is what you're after, this would definitely do that.
    If you like SOME of what MC can do but not all of it, again, that's settings. Pregnancy and Marriage, for example, have a range between nobody gets pregnant, and everybody gets pregnant (-100,100) in settings.. 0 is default there. These aren't the only settings with 'bypass' options, either.
    If you have questions about things with MCCC, check the tumblr pages. Each module has its own page there now, under the Documentation tab. There's more there, too, things we didn't have at MTS. I'd recommend for anybody who'd like to know more about how MC can help your game to please check out this site:
    And if you still have questions after that, either post to the local MC help thread, here:
    Or, even better IMO, come and TALK to us in live chat, on Discord, here:
    DP's Discord:
  • I've never had this problem because I have pregnancy progression turned off for adults, which also turns off marriage. I did this so Sims near elders wouldn't have kids.

MC Command Center – I use it, you probably use it, the entire community basically uses it and today’s The Sims 4 update has broken it.Luckily, the creator of this Mod has issued a hot fix update of MC Command Center!The only thing we’ve noticed so far that was broken by today’s Sims 4 update is that EA changed something in their translation process that was ignoring strings defined by mods under certain circumstances. Patch hosts file adobe cc free. So, both the mccmdcenter.package and the mcwoohoo.package files have been updated to make them work with the update today. That will fix the issue we were having with blank buttons everywhere.You can get the hot fix update of his mod right now by clicking the button below!