Skyrim Ps4 Character Mods

T3nd0’s Skyrim Redone is one of the best Skyrim mods to try out if you want to give Skyrim a total makeover with a complete overhaul of the most fundamental elements of the game right down to the perks, skills and stats of a character. The main aim of this mod is to enhance the depth of the character development by giving suitable options to.

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PLEASE NOTE - it’s been two years since I’ve made this list and I still get messages at least once a month asking for the link to the load order. I’ve since moved to PC. You can find very specific instructions on how to do a console load order. Please stop messaging me as I have no clue about the PS4 mod scene and would bet almost all these are outdated at this point.After seeing, I realized I've been meaning to do the same with my mod list as I've spent hours upon hours tinkering and sorting through PS4 mods to determine which ones are both bug-free and lore friendly.EDIT - I should just give credit to the Bethesda Forum as that is where I found the recommended load order but figured most people had read it. Please find the master list.The mods listed below are NOT IN CORRECT LOAD ORDER. I don't want to re-sort that all now.

Just look at the above link to see a very detailed ordering guide. These are the mods I think are the best for PS4. I can verify they have no bugs, no gray face glitches, and won't mess your game up if you uninstall. I have hundreds of hours on PS4 at this point, and can promise these are all great mods.HomesI have 21 characters, so I have a ton of player homes. Most people do not need more than a handful of home mods, but these are all great.Mannequins Stay Put (a must have).Hearthfire Map Marker Fix (changes map marker to the little house icon, not the town icon).Improved Hearthfire Lighting (removes the weird ambient light that exists in the vanilla Hearthfire homes).Hearthfire Display Case Fix (fixes buggy display cases).Chartreusepod Reverie (MUST HAVE for any Bosmer players. Seriously, this is the only home a Wood Elf on PS4 should be using. It's incredible).Whitewind Player Home (one of the best homes on PS4.

Must have for Nords, buried deep in the snow outside Winterhold).Crypt of the Old Guard (perfect Vampire home. Tons of details and storage, looks amazing. Must have for Vampires who don't particularly like living in Volkihar Castle).Necrosis (one of the best homes on PS4. A new world-space, tons of static decor, a merchant, just a ton of stuff.

Good for Necromancers and evil-doers).Riverstone Hut (small house in Riverwood, great for a spellsword. Very dark, so I used Portable Tools to add some candles).Hunter's Cabin of Riverwood (perfect for a grizzled hunter character).Rayek's End (a Batcave if there ever was one. Used for my Batman build, but perfect for Argonians or sneaky characters).Hunter's Treehouse (one-room treehouse for a wandering Nord. I use it for my Khajiit monk, because cats like trees, right?).Ramshackle Trading Post (adds a basement home to the Ramshackle Trading Post on Solstheim. Good for Dunmer assassins).Whiterun Watch (a generic cabin in the Whiterun plains.

Good for low-key travelers. Using it for my Dragonhunter now).Looter's Cove (one of many homes by Rezthebear. His are amazing - static decor, small yet filled with everything you need, bug-free. This is a cozy home for a thief that connects to both Riften and the Ragged Flagon).Wanderer's Abode (another Rezthebear home. Perfect for wandering pilgrims. Small but with tons of detail, this is good for Nords/Bretons/Imperials and is one of the more 'generic' homes that can fit most player characters).Solitude Inn Player Room - Merchant Home (another Rezthebear home. Turns the room in the Winking Skeever into a merchant's home.

I use it for my Imperial Bard build. It can cause frame rate drops seems to happen if I have had my PS4 on for a long time, but re-booting the system fixes it immediately. This is great for bards/travelling merchants).Wizard's Laboratory (Rezthebear again.

This is a Dwemer-themed mage's home in the northwest corner of the map. Great for any wizards/sorcerers).Agent's Basement (the last Rezthebear home.

A small, one-room home in Raven Rock that used the be the home of an East Empire Company agent. Perfect for an Imperial Spy or Scout, but I'm using it for a Redguard Mercenary).Draco's Heljarchen Manor (adds walls, guards and a merchant to Heljarchen. Very Nordic themed - statues of Talos everywhere. The merchant has the gray face bug, but he is a gray Khajiit so it's hard to notice and he just stays in his tent anyway lol).Draco's Lakeview Manor (see above, but with Dwemer-style architecture.

No merchant)Graphics.Rain and Snow FX (very nice touch).BIG: More Blood & Gore (just adds more blood).Re-Color Replacer Pack (modifies the colors of Steel, Ebony and Elven gear to be a bit more silver/black/gold).Animated Weapon Enchants (adds some awesome, enchantment-specific visuals to weapons).True Alternation Armor Visuals (restores the cut visuals from Flesh spells - Oak has a wood-esque look, Iron is gray, etc.).Smooth Human Female Faces (removes the wrinkles from your Breton female player characters)Locations.Magical College of Winterhold (arguably the best mod for PS4. Thanks for the list! Based on your list and the load order document I assembled this table with the preferred load order. Not every mod was present in the load order document, they are tagged with an question mark and are my best guesses. You'll also notice that not every mod is available anymore on PS4, but in general, the once that are will be enough to kickstart your Skyrim experience. I did not test it on my system yet, if there are any alteration I'll edit/add them to this comment.Thanks for the list! Based on your list and the load order document I assembled this table with the preferred load order.

Not every mod was present in the load order document, they are tagged with an question mark and are my best guesses. You'll also notice that not every mod is available anymore on PS4, but in general, the once that are will be enough to kickstart your Skyrim experience. I did not test it on my system yet, if there are any alteration I'll edit/add them to this comment.

Load orderCategoryName and Description1HomesImproved Hearthfire Lighting (removes the weird ambient light that exists in the vanilla Hearthfire homes)1HomesHearthfire Display Case Fix (fixes buggy display cases)1Sound, Music and AudioCombat Music Fix (fixes the glitch where high level characters wouldn't have combat music ever)1?GameplayBlessing of Talos Fix (simple bug fix that correctly displays the Blessing of Talos effect in your menu)2MagicPhenderix Magic Evolved (adds 400+ spells. An absolute must have)2MagicVampires & Magic (changes to Vampires all together)2NPCsLore and Gender Heights (adjusts all NPCs and the player character to lore-specific heights)2?GameplayDLC Integration (adds ovens and stuff from Dawnguard/Dragonborn to mainland Skyrim - bandits might have crossbows, a lot of bandits wear bonemold armor, etc.)3GameplayEven Better Quest Objectives (makes quests objectives much more detailed)4EnvironmentRustic Weathers & Lighting (by far the best weather/lighting mod on PS4. Lighting is realistic but not drab, weather is diverse and impacts game play.

Rain storms are severe and blizzards can be terrible to navigate in, but you also get light showers and flurries. Also, it's the only weather mod I've ever used that somehow manages to have made the sound of rain audible when you are inside a building. A must have)4EnvironmentSupreme and Volumetric Fog (adds intense fog when appropriate. Really cool and works well with Rustic Weathers)4EnvironmentLamposts of Skyrim (nice to have lanterns along the roads)4EnvironmentBridges of Skyrim (straight forward, adds some cool bridges)4EnvironmentPoint the Way (adds road signs, very useful for Survival Mode where you cannot fast travel)5HomesNecrosis (one of the best homes on PS4. A new world-space, tons of static decor, a merchant, just a ton of stuff.

Good for Necromancers and evil-doers)6HomesMannequins Stay Put (a must have)6HomesWhitewind Player Home (one of the best homes on PS4. Must have for Nords, buried deep in the snow outside Winterhold)6HomesCrypt of the Old Guard (perfect Vampire home. Tons of details and storage, looks amazing. Must have for Vampires who don't particularly like living in Volkihar Castle)6HomesRiverstone Hut (small house in Riverwood, great for a spellsword. Very dark, so I used Portable Tools to add some candles)6HomesRayek's End (a Batcave if there ever was one. Used for my Batman build, but perfect for Argonians or sneaky characters)6HomesHunter's Treehouse (one-room treehouse for a wandering Nord. I use it for my Khajiit monk, because cats like trees, right?)6HomesLooter's Cove (one of many homes by Rezthebear.

His are amazing - static decor, small yet filled with everything you need, bug-free. This is a cozy home for a thief that connects to both Riften and the Ragged Flagon)6HomesWanderer's Abode (another Rezthebear home. Perfect for wandering pilgrims. Small but with tons of detail, this is good for Nords/Bretons/Imperials and is one of the more 'generic' homes that can fit most player characters)6HomesAgent's Basement (the last Rezthebear home. A small, one-room home in Raven Rock that used the be the home of an East Empire Company agent. Perfect for an Imperial Spy or Scout, but I'm using it for a Redguard Mercenary)6LocationsRuins of Winterhold (puts some ruined castle parts around Winterhold)6EnvironmentSkyrim is Windy (makes leaves/grass move with the wind)6?HomesChartreusepod Reverie (MUST HAVE for any Bosmer players. Seriously, this is the only home a Wood Elf on PS4 should be using.

It's incredible)6?HomesHunter's Cabin of Riverwood (perfect for a grizzled hunter character)6?HomesRamshackle Trading Post (adds a basement home to the Ramshackle Trading Post on Solstheim. Good for Dunmer assassins)6?HomesSolitude Inn Player Room - Merchant Home (another Rezthebear home.

Turns the room in the Winking Skeever into a merchant's home. I use it for my Imperial Bard build. It can cause frame rate drops seems to happen if I have had my PS4 on for a long time, but re-booting the system fixes it immediately. This is great for bards/travelling merchants)6?HomesWizard's Laboratory (Rezthebear again.


This is a Dwemer-themed mage's home in the northwest corner of the map. Great for any wizards/sorcerers)6?HomesDraco's Heljarchen Manor (adds walls, guards and a merchant to Heljarchen. Very Nordic themed - statues of Talos everywhere.

The merchant has the gray face bug, but he is a gray Khajiit so it's hard to notice and he just stays in his tent anyway lol)6?HomesDraco's Lakeview Manor (see above, but with Dwemer-style architecture. No merchant)6?HomesWhiterun Watch (a generic cabin in the Whiterun plains. Good for low-key travelers. Load orderCategoryName and Description9AnimalsLegendary Creatures (adds a ton of boss-level animals to hunt down)9AnimalsKPatch Vanilla AF Dragon Enhancement (diversifies the dragons you encounter)9AnimalsLess Aggressive Animals (Mudcrabs, Skeevers and Wolves won't attack on sight now.

Bigger animals have to be provoked)9AnimalsBetter Horses (horses are essential, faster, etc.)9NPCsImmersive Citizens (must have. Complete revamp of NPC AI)9NPCsRealistic Conversations (dialogue overhaul for NPCs)9NPCsVampire Knights (All of SkaerKrow's mods are great. I've only found 1 bug in any of them, in his Path Stalkers one, which I'm not using anymore. This one adds a ton of Vampire and Vampire Hunter content - enemies, followers, armor, weapons and dungeons. A must-have if you are doing a character that's involved with Dawnguard or a Vampire themselves)9NPCsWolf Blooded (see above, but for Werewolves. Must add for Companions characters, adds ton of wolf-themed weapons, armors, encounter, followers, etc.

Incredible)9NPCsImmersive Civil War Units (adjusts the armor and weapons of Imperials and Stormcloaks. Only issue is that Stormcloaks have a bizarre amount of gear in their inventory if you loot their dead bodies. A bit immersion breaking in that regard, and I am still looking for the fix)9NPCsNPCs Don't Drop Weapons Upon Death (NPCs won't actually drop their weapons, but they stay in their inventory. Helps remove clutter/save bloat)9?AnimalsSabre Cats Respawn (did you know Sabre Cats don't respawn on PS4? This fixes that)9?Weapons, Armors, Clothing and CraftingTailor's Measure (this mod is both a utility to change NPC outfits and a bug-fixer in itself. So, the GET: No More Dead Merchants mod I was using glitched out and made Nurelion strip to his underwear for some reason. Stumped on how to fix it, I realized this mod could help.

Now Nurelion is wearing some nice blue mage robes. It also can help you change an NPC's gear if you think what they are wearing is silly and it has a ton of options. Be careful, as if you uninstall this when you have custom clothes on someone, they will be naked.

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