Skyrim Se Weapon Texture Mod

Nov 23, 2018  Today I am looking at the four most popular texture overhauls for Skyrim and Special Edition – Noble Skyrim, Skyrim 2017, Osmodius and Skyland. These mods replace a great deal of the in game textures including (but not limited to) landscape, rocks, bridges, homes, fences signs and interior furniture. Skyrim HD is a long-running texture mod that replaces over 600 textures. Everything from the sky and mountains to the interiors of ramshackle hovels has been done up. There are two complete versions, one of which is a 1K resolution ‘lite version’ for less powerful PCs.

These past few months – and dare to say, years – we’ve seen numerous HD Texture Packs for Skyrim’s environments. However, there have been only a few that improve the textures of various objects, items, armor and weapons. So, today we bring you a mod that overhauls the textures of all armor and weapons in Skyrim Special edition.

Created by modder ‘screamclarity’, Periphery of Skyrim – Armor and Weapons Remastered aims to improve the textures of all armor and weapons. This mod covers every piece of armor and every weapon from the base game including DLCs.

Periphery of Skyrim – Armor and Weapons Remastered is 2GB in size and you can download it from here. We also suggest using the Static Mesh Improvement Mod as well as the Skyrim High Polygon Project. Other mods that may interest you are Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants, HD LODs Textures, Septentrional Landscapes SE and Skyrim 2020 Version 3.5.

Neha kakkar songs mp3 download. In order to showcase the improved HD textures, screamclarity released the following screenshots.


This is a complete and thorough guide on how to properly your mod your Skyrim. Including how to install an ENB.

A modded Skyrim is like a tower, the base, then all your mods are held together by duct tape. Not taking the patience and carefully installing every mod can be costly. Fatal crashes may occur, missing textures, etc. If you take the time to be careful and install everything correctly it will pay off. Seriously.The great thing about the modding community is that there is stuff for everyone. Options are almost unlimited.

Your personal preference may vary. I will list some of the most endorsed, downloaded mods for each category. PC can't run 8k textures at 60 FPS? Hey, I get that. Not everyone has quad SLI GTX 980 ti's or triple crossfire R9 Fury Xs lying around in their house. I will consider lite texture packs as well, they can still look pretty snazzy if it isn't 4k.

ENBs also have features for lower-end PCs, which can still look very snazzy. Although, for these to run at a reasonable framerate you need half decent hardware. You can't have a pentium processor with an ancient graphics card and 128mb of RAM and expect to run realvison on highest settings. We do not recommend manually installing mods, unless you are experienced.Mod installation varies differently between different mods. Before consulting the guide.

Please check the mode page. First off, pick your mod of choice. Hit files and choose one ( If you don't know which one to pick, consult the mod description to see which file is compatible for your PC, or mods.). Start off with the main mods, then install optional files according to your needs. Hit download manually.

If you use Chrome, you should see the progress of the file downloaded at the bottom of the window. Most mods require an unzipping tool, such as winRAR or 7-zip. Open 2 windows of Windows explorer (icon on your taskbar that looks like a file). On one open your skyrim directory.

Default is C:/Program Files(x86)/steam/steamapps/common/skyrim. In the other, open your downloads. You should see the mod that you downloaded. Right-click and open in 7-zip or winRAR. You should see one or more files. If you have one it should be named Data, if so just drag the mod over to the skyrim folder of the same name, you will get a prompt asking you to merge the two folders, say yes. If it has several folders, just drag all of them into your data folder.

In NMM or Loot, make sure the esp plugin is activated (don't worry if you don't have one though). Now, this is a mistake we here, the people developing this guide, have made numerous times. That is uninstalling mods mid-playthrough.Now, you do not have to worry about this for all mods. Small mods that are script free can usually be uninstalled without any hassle. However, mods with scripts such as Requiem can potentially cause crashes, missing textures and models, freezing and other issues that could lead to a reinstall.A good rule of thumb is to check the mod description and see if they offer any specific instructions to uninstall.

If it says something along the lines of 'remove files from data folder/with NMM' you're probably alright but if special instructions are provided there is reason to be careful. Chapter 1Starting Fresh The best way to start modding your Skyrim is to start fresh. Uninstall the game and any mods currently left behind. This can be used by using steam's built in delete feature. First make sure that you know the location of your Skyrim (default (C:)Program Files (x86)Steam LibrarySteam AppsCommonSkyrim. Then, delete the folder. This makes your install nice and fresh.

Making sure that you don't install mods in the wrong folder, because it happens.Another way is to clear out and uninstall any added files, then use steam game cache validator. Do this by right clicking on the game, properties, local files and then press Verify Integrity Of Game Cache. LOOT is essential for any proper modded Skyrim. link there) is the Load Order Optimization Tool which tests the integrity of game plugins and files, alerts you of the issue. (next bit is taken from LOOT website) While sorting, LOOT checks for load order errors (such as incompatibilities and missing requirements) and notifies you of any issues that it detects.

It also provides thousands of plugin-specific messages, such as usage notes and bug warnings, to help keep your game healthy. LOOT comes with an install wizard to save you time and the hassle. NOTE: when installing mods via NMM, always check the mod's files section before downloading so you download the right one. NMM for short, is the ultimate modding tool, saving you hours by activating, and correctly installing files to the directory the author of the mod wants it installed to to work properly. Like LOOT it has a plugins sorter, but not as good as LOOT I find. is the best modding site in my opionion, it has the largest variety and one of the best communities. Make sure you hit archive invalidation in the tools menu, alot of mods require it. Step 5:Pick your favourite sun, of the 4.

Check images at the bottom of the file. To see what ones you like. Once that is finished.

Click on the file that your favourite sun is. Go texturesskyclimatesoftamriel Then you should end up with one or two folders.

Select them and drag them into your skyrim directory. Now, Pick your favourite Depth of field, Static, Off or defualt. Defualt is my favourite. Select your favoured depth of field folderRealvisionENB you should come to a file, drag that into your directory. Countinue this for your other options. Step 6: Now to bring this to life.You ready?

This is where the ENB will come to life. Head to and select the corrisponding version to the version of the ENB preset you downloaded. Scroll all the way down and hit the download button. Open in WinRaR or your chosen decompression tool. Go into the wrapper version folder NOT the injector. We only need 2 files from here.

D3d9.dll and enbhost.exe. Click one of the files, hold control and click the other one. Then drag it into your skyrim directory. Edit in ENBlocal.ini:MEMORYExpandSystemMemoryX64=true =512 with at least 2-3Gb VRAM.VideoMemorySizeMb=XXXX documentsMy GamesSkyrim and it should be there, along with SkyrimPrefs.ini, which we'll need later.

For Realvision change the Skyrim.ini to this:Displayipresentinterval=1. Heads Up DisplaysThere are a few cool ones you will want to get here. Gopher's Which brings up and hides certain features like the compass on demand, very helpful for immersion playthroughs and survival scenarios as it can link with iNeed and a matter of time and include widgets. 'HUD when you need it. Hide when you don't.' . SkyAmigo's is a great and simplfied widget that appears in the top left hand corner.


It displays the time of day. Thats about it. IcePenguin's provides a very nice updated map to replace skyrim's vanilla one.

This map also includes roads. Vanilla Water is Ugly, Make it better. Water is plentiful in the province of Skyrim, from The northern reaches of Winterhold to the southern thick bush of Falkreath, change the ugly water, overhaul it all. All of it. There are a few options here.The first one is, which enhances water, look at the screenshots for some pictures. Pure Waters enhances these things:- Colors enhancement: natural, wild and various water colors.- Realistic transparency: big shorelines improvement.- Various streams: each type of water area has its own texture and flow effect.- Reflections improvement: no more too-glassy waters.- Underwater redone: a bit more realistic underwater.- HD foams, rain ripples and streams: Textures included. Info from nexus page.

HybridsThese contain both Face and Body. There are much more on the Nexus we won't Include becasue of some 'innapropriate' reasons, as you could probably guess.

A good one is SG textures, there are also some male ones out there, meshes can be found too, which won't be included on here to keep a work safe enviroment.- www.nexusmods.comChanges the models and textures of all elven races to add variety and changes appearance of the elves to be less ugly.- www.nexusmods.comWomen of Skyrim. Combat, Weapons and Animations www.nexusmods.comPretty much just tunes the damage and other qualities about the game's arrows and bolts.www.nexusmods.comOverhauls force in the game.www.nexusmods.comOverhauls skyrim's original, clucky, static combat to a much improved, smoother version.www.nexusmods.comAdds a nicer flow to animations.www.nexusmods.comMakes dragon combat much more fluid and less chucky.www.nexusmods.comSelf Explanitory.www.nexusmods.comWhen you hit different parts of the body, different ammounts of damage will be taken. SpellsSome of these will conflict, do your homework and look on the Mod page to see compatability lists.www.nexusmods.comOld school magic mod for old school Elder Scrolls players.www.nexusmods.comAdds 155 new spells at your disposal.www.nexusmods.comMakes high level spellcasters feel powerful with this bundle of very deadly spells.www.nexusmods.comadds an astonishing 320 spells.www.nexusmods.comAllows you to have amazing spell duels with your foe.Magic Duel Rebornwww.nexusmods.comTweaks the existing spells so they balance with you character.

Makes high level spells extremely powerful, but also increases the price of them. Also this mod adds more to the perk tree about spells.www.nexusmods.comOverhauls fire and ice, as you may have guess, so you can build structures with ice and fire stay lit on the ground with fire.www.nexusmods.comMakes spells and atronachs produce light.www.nexusmods.comAllows you to obtain druid spells. Also includes a small plot, adding some refreshment opposed to those mods were you just buy the spells.www.nexusmods.comAdds new bound weapons to cast.

It adds variety, and can encourage people to use bound weapons instead of traditional weapons or spells in a playthrough.www.nexusmods.comAdds more necromany spells to the list, allowing you to command the undead. Also adds many perks centered around Necromancy.Necromancy Mod.

Alchemy www.nexusmods.comChanges the ammount of ingredients harvested to be proportional to the plant's size.www.nexusmods.comAdds 150 higher resolution textures (1k) to alchemy bottles and containers.www.nexusmods.comRedesigns the Alchemy skill, to make it a balanced, and enjoyable skill.www.nexusmods.comMakes poisons more deadly, something the vanilla game lacked. Poisons will now have a value because of their improved strength.www.nexusmods.comAllows you to make potions on the go. Enchantments and Soul Gems www.nexusmods.comAdds animation to desired enchantments. Fire enchantments will now have flame emitting from your weapon.Animated Enchantmentswww.nexusmods.comSimilar to Animated Enchantments, this one allows more customize the animations by mixing and matching assets.www.nexusmods.comPick and choose how you wantfull and empty soul gems to differ, with opions like glowing and transparency.www.nexusmods.comKind of self explanitory.www.nexusmods.comCompletely reimagines the way enchantment works in Skyrim.www.nexusmods.comAdds a chest where items can be disenchanted, allowing for more powerful and better enchantments. This section won't be anything specific, it will just be general mods to improve immersion. For a more in depth guide follow our- Changes the name of Gold to Septims.

As the mod title suggests.- This mod plays audible breaths from your character when your health/stamina/magicka drops below a certain percentage.- Changes NPC's into robes or nude when sleeping because normal people don't sleep in armour.- 1) Yes2) If you are wondering if the weather patch is required, no it is not required, but to install it you must have CoT installed.3) Choose one of each type, however, with the 'Weapons, Armour, and Clothing' section, there won't be as much compatibility issues there.4) It won't affect your game if it is installed before or after your other mods. However, I find it easier to organize everything after the enb.

I also like to start the game right after I install an enb to see if there is any issues, if not, you can move on to other mods.Generally, you don't want to install both, you either overwrite the previous one, or the new one depending on what mod it is. When it causes conflicts, and asks you to overwrite another mod, it will replace certain files, typically it says the file name that it will overwrite, and you can judge from that if you want the older mod or the new one. Hello, I have some doubts and suggest, so lets go.1) Ch3.5: Is only another ENBs suggestions, so if I use Realvision I can skip it, right?2) Ch4: I assume Install all of them, but to install CoT-WP is not necessary CoT v3.1? If yes, when?3) Ch7 & cp: choose one of each type, install all or all u want?Ex.: Basic Textures: SMIM is authors choice or install one of 3 above and SMIM.4) In another guide the ENB was installed at the end, and yours is the first.

Which is better or no matter? I think its more logical in the beginning (like you), but im begginer.For the reason of some incompatibility and overwrite archives of another mod, I never know when install all, choose one and overwrite previous archives, and when use TES5edit and Loot during mod installation.

I suggest you write this previously (like you did it in Ch9:Guards), is very helpful.Awesome Guide, wanna try it in my Skyrim.