Maids 2 Deception Bugs

Maids II: Deception (M2) is a sequel to for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Originally intended to be a simple mod that would add a single maid to a player house for dress-up, the series has evolved to feature a questline. M2 aims to expand upon where M1 left off, this time with an emphasis on story.Quest Start: The quest should be added to the Miscellaneous section of the quest journal upon loading the game with SMSkyrim.esp activated. The quest will instruct you to travel to the town of Jonestead.The Story So FarDuring the Oblivion Crisis, an organization of mages and alchemists known as Project Purity sought to rule Tamriel by first enslaving its women through the use of a corrupted Hist tree's sap that, when ingested, provoked an insatiable frenzy that made female victims vulnerable to submission. At the request of two maids who were cursed with the sap’s effects, the Champion of Cyrodiil put a stop to Purity’s plans and saved the women held captive in the palace of the Argonian warlord Desann.The descendants of the two maids - the Pinder family - would face persecution by a resurgent Purity as retaliation for their defeat. Over time, this rivalry escalated to the point where in order to survive, the family had to form a clandestine group of mercenaries whose only purpose was to put an end to Purity once and for all.200 years later, only two family members remain in a small underground town in Skyrim.

Original Poster 2 points 2 years ago edited 2 years ago Well it's not too bad, the doors to the internal big areas are all fairly small, and I only had one conflict where Skyshadow Crypt from Interesting NPCs was in the same location as Euphoria Palace from Maids II. Cara hack akun gmail.

The reasons for how and why the rivalry started have long been forgotten by both sides of the conflict. Yet the mercenary group founded by the family remains strong and has undergone drastic transformations. Now composed entirely of female warriors and assassins that rival the Dark Brotherhood in terms of secrecy and skill, the conflict has reached a standstill with both sides waiting for the other to resurface for one last showdown. WARNINGM2 is a script-intensive mod with 2,072 scripts.

It's highly recommended that M2 is started on a new, clean save (new character/game) with as few script-intensive mods activated as possible. Kontakt factory selection library serial key. It's suggested that this save be kept aside for M2 updates.If playing on an existing save, it's important to make a backup of the save prior to installing and activating M2. If M2 is ever deactivated and uninstalled, script data will be left over in the save which may affect the stability of the save and other mods that add scripts (such as quest mods). This problem is due to Skyrim's scripting and save system which causes scripts from uninstalled mods to 'stick' to a save long after it has been uninstalled.The following issues encountered in M2 are signs that a save game may be experiencing the negative effects of this left over data:.


Quest advancement issues. Scene/NPC-to-NPC conversation stalls (NPCs will appear with the 'This person is busy.'

Message when activated and their conversations will never progress). Crashes to Desktop (CTDs) or frozen loading screensUse a save game cleaner, such as or, as a measure of last resort to repair bloated saves.Please read the for additional suggestions on what to do when problems are encountered. Installation Steps.

Read the guide for a list of incompatible mods without patches and determine if M2 can be installed. If M2 can be installed, click 'Subscribe' on this mod's download page. Install the mod which contains the new, required models and textures for M2.

Read the guide for a list of incompatible mods with patches. Download the offsite Mod Patches package if deemed necessary. Read the for a list of optional M2 resources. Install any that you wish to use. Adjust the load order to be as follows, top to bottom: All ESM plug-ins SMSkyrim.esp SMSkyrim - Compressed.esp All non-M2 ESP plug-ins All M2 ESP plug-ins. M2 is now ready to play. Remember to keep a backup save for the character on which M2 will be played.

Revert to this save for when M2 is uninstalled to avoid the complications explained in the WARNING section of this mod page.

Incompatible The following mods have been confirmed to be incompatible with M2. Any follower management mod that affects M2 NPCs may cause unexpected quest issues. Avoid using to follower management mod for maids in M2.KEYITALIC - moderate incompatibility; usually aesthetic.

New locations overlap each other, but quest progress can continue.